Tomba! Wiki
Tomba! Wiki

Aha! You must be the little squirt that blocked my tunnel! [...] I was trying to escape from the Dwarves right when you filled my tunnel with dirt.

—Greatest Thief

67 The Great Escape (地下ロウの大ドロボウ, Chikarou no Dai Dorobou, lit. Great Robber of the Underground Prison) is an event in Tomba!.


Find out if the thief has escaped.


The event will be activated automatically after the previous event has been cleared. Three dwarves will talk about some rumors about the thief has escaped the prison. After that, they head back to the village.

Head back to the Underground Prison and talk to the thief. He will curse Tomba for blocking the tunnel, which was an accidental side-effect of filling the mysterious hole the Dwarf Elder appeared from in the previous event. After the conversation, the event is cleared.

In other languages[]

Language In-game name Meaning/Notes
French le gran evasion
German Die große Flucht
Italian La grande fuga Il ladro cerca di fuggire.
Japanese 地下ロウの大ドロボウ (Chikarou no Dai Dorobou) Great Robber of the Underground Prison
Spanish La gran huída La gran fuga de la prisión subterránea